Position Papers Archives
Long-Term Care & Consumer Advocacy
- NASOP Proposed Regulations 08/07
- NASOP comment on CMS 5-Star Nursing Home Rating System
- NASOP letter to Congress in support of NH Transparency Act 02/08
- LCAO letter to Congress opposing Bankruptcy Act of 2003 03/03
- Law Enforcement Coordination Survey 2001
- NASOP Guidance for Consumer Advocacy 10/00
- NASOP Statement on Abuse and Neglect 03/99
- NASOP Core Principles 1998, amended 2005
- NASOP Paper on nursing home licensing 10/96
- NASOP Paper on Adult Protective Services 11/94
- NASOP Future Directions 1993
- NASOP Final NF COP Comments
- Final NASOP Comments on CMS-3346-P
Budget and Appropriations
- LCAO letter to Congress expressing disappointment in FY 2007 budget 02/06
- LCAO letter to Congress regarding discretionary spending for FY 2006 04/06
- LCAO letter to Congress requesting increased funding of the Older Americans Act 11/05
- LCAO letter to Congress urging rejection of budget process bill 05/04
- LCAO letter to Pres. Bush expressing concern about further tax reductions 01/03
- LCAO letter to Senate urging increased funding for aging programs 07/02
- LCAO statement opposing home health cuts 10/01
- LCAO letter to Congress regarding DRA 2005 regulations 05/06
- LCAO letter to Congress urging the rejection of Medicaid transfer of asset provisions 08/05
- LCAO letter to Bingamen expressing thanks 01/05
- LCAO letter to Senate supporting FMAP extension 03/04
- LCAO letter to Thompson against CT, MA, MN, etc transfer of asset waivers 01/04
- LCAO letter to Thompson against CT transfer of asset waiver 08/02
- LCAO letter to Senate supporting temporary FMAP increase 07/02
- LCAO letter to Stark & Brown endorsing Medicare buy-in bill 06/05
- LCAO letter to Congress urging drug benefit to be available in all regions 11/03
- LCAO letter to Congress expressing opposition to spending caps 11/03
- LCAO letter to Congress urging Rx help for low-income 11/03
- LCAO letter urging conferees to proceed carefully 11/03
- LCAO letter to Senate opposing premium support 10/03
- LCAO letter to conferees on HR. 1 and S. 1 10/03
- LCAO letter requesting changes in Medicare legislation 07/03
- LCAO letter to Senate supporting QI-1 renewal 09/02
- LCAO letter to Congress expressing disappointment in failure to pass drug benefit 09/02
- LCAO letter to Senate requesting drug coverage 10/01
Housing and Community Services
Insurance Marketplace
- LCAO letter to McKeon & Oxley requesting support for S. 705 03/06
- Older Americans Act Reauthorization
- LCAO letter to Specter & Harkin requesting increased funding for the Older Americans Act 07/05
- LCAO letter to Regula & Obey about funding the Older Americans Act 07/05
- LCAO letter urging higher Older Americans Act funding 10/03
- LCAO letter supporting caregiver tax credit 05/03
- LCAO letter to Senate supporting Harkin Aging Initiative 10/01